ZinoBiotic is a natural solution to digestive and metabolic problems.

Why do you need Zinobiotic too?
Many diseases today – digestive problems, allergies, autoimmune and cancerous diseases, food intolerances, as well as mental problems such as. depression –
insufficient or adequate amount and quality of fiber intake and a associated with the spread of bad gut bacteria.
In 2014, researchers were able to prove a direct link between the intestinal flora and the brain. This means that in order to restore or maintain good health, the right fibers must be introduced into the body and an increase in the number of good intestinal bacteria must be achieved, along with a decrease in the bad ones.
ZinoBiotic does just that. Contains the right fibers in the right amount and promotes the growth of good bacteria.
In doing so, it not only contributes to an excellent digestive condition, but also has a positive effect on the immune system and overall health.
How is ZinoBiotic better than similar products?
While other products contain only a few dietary fibers, ZinoBiotic has 5 different soluble dietary fibers.
The fibers in ZinoBiotic contribute to the feeling of fullness in the stomach (which is especially beneficial in case of diet, weight loss, or just excessive amounts of food) and yet reduce bloating.
ZinoBiotic’s product contains exactly the amount of fiber your body needs at one time, no more and no less.
ZinoBiotic is not a probiotic, but a prebiotic. This means that we do not introduce good bacteria from external sources, because according to the latest research, they can only cause a small positive effect in the bad intestinal flora, but instead introduce a complex nutrient that passes through the entire intestinal flora at that stage. it feeds on living good bacteria.
This is the only way to ensure a healthy gut flora in the long run, because our current diet does not contain the right quality of natural fiber.

What is the unique effect of ZinoBiotic?
Promotes the presence and maintenance of a healthy intestinal flora by aiding in healthy digestive processes and ideal intestinal function.
By promoting the growth of good bacteria, it prevents and inhibits the development of the diseases mentioned above , and has a positive effect on well-being, resilience, and endurance.
It also helps to restore irregular bowel function, to control sugar and cholesterol levels, and to prevent bloating.
When is it most important to apply?
If you were not born naturally (eg by cesarean section). In this case, your body has not received the bacteria it needs to prepare the body to resist certain diseases. This makes it much easier for you to catch all kinds of civilization diseases, infections, allergies, gastrointestinal inflammations.
If you have been treated with antibiotics as a child and / or many times. They greatly impair the body’s resilience by altering the balance of bacteria, killing good gut bacteria, probiotics, and increasing the infectivity of viruses and bacteria.
If your immune system is not perfect. 70-80% of the immune system is located around the intestinal tract, in the intestinal wall. The bacteria that get into it first will be the ones that teach our immune cells to defend properly. If all is not well here, the immune system will not be able to do its job fully.
If you are having mental health problems or your mood is changing. The gastrointestinal tract is connected to the brain. Research has shown that there is a direct correlation between the proportion of intestinal bacteria and mental status.
If you have allergies or sensitivities to food. These appear and intensify due to the spread of bad gut bacteria.
What are the other benefits of ZinoBiotic?
The digestible starch in ZinoBiotic helps prevent a sudden rise in blood sugar after meals.
Oat-derived beta-glucan, one of the fiber constituents, has a scientifically proven role in maintaining blood cholesterol levels.
The 5 different dietary fibers ensure that bowel function is regular and balanced, avoiding constipation or too fast metabolism.
It serves as a fuel for the growth of good bacteria, thus allowing the displacement of unwanted bacteria.
It reduces hunger, so it is also useful for weight loss, diet, or eating habits that involve overeating.
It has a positive effect on mood, stamina, and general health.
By promoting the growth of healthy bacteria, it contributes to the health of the colon as well as cleanses it.
It helps to balance the microbiome (the system of microorganisms living in the body).

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What kind of components does ZinoBiotic contain?
+ 1 reason why Zinobiotic is incredible
ZinoBiotic contains 5 dietary fibre:
Starch from whole grain (resistant to digestion)
Oat beta-glucan
Inulin from chicory root
Fructooligosaccharides from chicory root and psyllium seed
Außerdem Bauschen und natürliche Süßungsmittel.

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Frequently asked questions about ordering
Zinzino is a foreign webshop so here is a guide to help you with ordering from its webshop.
In normal circumstances, two pills a day with food at any time during the day.
In individual cases, it can be more.
Understand what is happening to you and why
In our health magazine, we constantly report on the latest results in the science of applied nutrition. A revolution is taking place in medicine.
We are in the swim and will keep you in the swim.
This test shows your exact condition regarding the fatty acids ratio. You will recieve a multipage analysis of your test results which includes detalied information on how suitable your current diet is to prevent inflammation and maintain your health status.
You will also get suggestions on what you should do to make it better.
The test will let you know how beneficial the use of BalanceOil was for you. According to the previous tests, 95% of the consumers reached or was near the ideal omega6-3 balance after 4 months based on the initial ratio.
That is why it will be needed to do another test at least after 4 months. This is how much time the process takes to start the work at cellural level.
In order to achieve balance at the cellural level, the product must be consumed for at least six months. So, to save money, become a regular customer and subscribe to the six months supply package. This way, you kill two birds with one stone: you have the oil for a half year and discounts come with that.
This method is not a symptomatic treatment but it is aimed at eliminating the causes, therefore, it is necessary to use it for six months. It takes that time to get enough amount of oil into your body so it can trigger a permanent change.
Choose the product from the Zinzino’s webshop and order it.
Credit card and advance payment via bank transfer are available payment options.
As a regular customer, the price will be taken from your bank account every 30 days.
It can go on after the six months until you deciede to cancel your subscription.
The products will be delivered from Sweden every two months in order to pay as much of delievery costs as it would be delievered from Hungary.
The amount of the delievered products at a time is sufficient for a bit more than two montsh, so if something intervenes, the process of your health promotion won’t stop.
With the subscription, you get a „regular customer”status, an own web office. You can handle your customers on your own at any time, you can add new customers and you can buy Zinzino products at discounted prices.
You don’t have to subscribe but with the subscription you are able to buy products at reduced prices.
If you subscribe, the BalanceOil monthly supply will cost 29EUR instead of 47EUR.
The subscription system guarantees that the product is always delivered on time, so it won’t be needed to handle your order unnecessarily. This ensures maximal convenience for the subscriber.
An additional advantage of this subscription system is that -based on experiences- people stop using vitamins and dietary supplements after 1-2 months but the effects of these products can only be noticed after 3-6 months. This subscription system helps you to comply with the instructions and to take the vitamins the appropiate period in order to achive the desired effect.
You can cancel your subscription at any time.
If you cancel your subscription before the first six months, it costs 50 EUR for you. And the reason for that, is because Zinzino would like to egg you on to use its product for at least six montsh so you can feel the benefits of it.
Of course, after 6 months the cancellation of your subscription is free.
You can use internationally accepted MasterCard and Visa and any types of foreign cards and applications (Revolut, ApplePay)
You can also pay in advance via bank transfer.
The money will be taken from your account 30 days after the first purchase. Monthly. Until you decide to cancel your subscription.
Using the products for a month makes no sense. Zinzino guaraneetes that your balance will be restored at the cellural level but in order to make it possible, you have to use it for at least 6 months. Zinziono has a regular customer programme, so if you subscribe and buy the product for 6 months, you will get it much cheaper than if you would buy the one month supply of it.
If you are having trouble ordering, click on the chat panel at the right side of the page and let us know! One of our expert colleagues will help you and guide you through ordering.
It costs 7 EUR. But the price will be taken from your bank account monthly and the items will be delievered every two months so the cost of transportation from Sweden is 3,5 EUR monthly.
The products will be delievered from Sweden by GLS parcel service. You will recieve an SMS notification from GLS before your product arrives.
Buy the products in the official webshop of Zinzino!
Important! If you choose the product you would like to purchase and you click on its icon, it will be shown on the official webshop of Zinzino.

ZinoBiotic Kit
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