Against acidification – restoring the acid-base balance

The only solution against acidification is to restore the acid-base balance. Nowadays, -especially due to the vast amount of processed and artificial foods- almost everybody is impacted by the acidification of the body more or less. This problem is needed to be handled. Otherwise, it can lead to serious diseases.

Inflammation and the acidification of the body are behind most of the diseases. The acid-base balance can be restored through proper lifestyle, nutrition and physical and mental harmony.

There have been written too much information about acidification which can be confusing. In this article, we are going to make this subject clear.

The article describes acidification, its physical, lifestlye and emotional causes. We are going to talk about the (good) pH value, the habits that lead to it, and what illnesses are caused by the acidification of the body. We’ll show you which foods should be avoided and which to be looked for,  which lifestyle and which psychological factors lead to alkalinization of the body and to maintaining the acid-base balance of the body.

What is acidification?

A shift in the acid-base balance of the body in an acidic direction. Living a lifestyle that disrupts the body’s acid-base balance towards acid has negative consequences for your health. When the body is overacidified, microorganisms multiply excessively.

The excess acids in the body begin to decompose the tissues and cells that make up organs. Many acids remove oxygen from the blood, disturb the acid-base balance, slow down the metabolism and can lead to the appearance of various fungi through the fermentation of food.

The consumption of food consumed is reduced and waste products are produced because the body is slowed down or does not receive the necessary substances and cannot create the conditions necessary for its normal functioning. If processing is prevented, the body becomes more acidic.

Acids are aqueous solutions that can release hydrogen ions. When they are mixed with bases, a chemical process is initiated that neutralizes both. They are often not acidic at all in terms of taste (e.g. sugar, sweets), but some acidic foods (e.g. lemons) can be basic.

Acidification and constipation weaken the normal functioning of the immune system to a high degree and make us much more susceptible to infections. Of course, it also has to do with fear, overwork and a lot of unresolved stress.


The stomach produces both acid and base. Chlorine and hydrogen are combined with table salt, carbon dioxide and water to form hydrochloric acid. Nitrogen, carbon, sodium and oxygen produce sodium bicarbonate. This means that the stomach produces both hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate, which are distributed through the blood in the body.

However, if the base intake (alkaline food) is not sufficient, the stomach will generate the bases needed by breaking down more salts. However, more stomach acid is produced, which leads to an uncomfortable burning sensation. Meals reduce this, but they produce more stomach acid again, which can worsen the situation until we restore the right balance with proper nutrition.

Various antacids can reduce acid production, but also base production, so they don’t solve anything. The solution is not to inhibit acid production, but to restore balance, especially since the accumulation of acid in the esophagus can occur and cause problems in other parts of the body.

What is the normal pH value?

The pH value shows the measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution and refers to the number of protons and electrons. With a value of 7, the negative and positive charges are in balance. Acids are negatively charged, bases are positive.

The normal blood pH is between 7.35 and 7.40. In other parts of the body, the value varies, for example in the stomach, where the acid is required for digesting food, between 1.35 and 3.5, but in the saliva between 6 and 7.

The body strives to maintain a good pH, and for this it finds various solutions. It can build up fat reserves or extract calcium from the bones or extract magnesium from the muscles or heart. This prevents acid damage, but also jeopardizes the healthy functioning of these organs.

Causes of acidification

There are 3 main causes of acidification of the human body.

1. Excessively acidic food intake

2. Bad lifestyle and bad eating habits

3. Psychological factors

Acidic food intake

Unfortunately, the products of modern civilization kitchens (mostly artificial and processed) are largely acidic, which acidifies the body better than natural foods. Many foods and luxury foods made from white flour or that contain sugar contribute greatly to the acidification of the body. The main sources of acidic foods:

1. Sweets

2. Delicacies (coffee, salty snacks, etc.)

3. Products made from white flour

4. Saturated fatty acids, preserved foods

5. Carbonated drinks, sweetened soft drinks, carbonated mineral water

6. Alcohol

7. Meat

8. Other artificial products, e.g. drugs

9. Environmental toxins (such as exterminators or electrical radiation)

Bad lifestyle and bad eating habits

This is mainly due to the time factor. Modern man has almost no time, often hurries, rarely and quickly eats or eats everything together. Food that is consumed too quickly, as well as immediate work and a lack of fluid intake, affect the digestive system and promote acidification. Breathing also plays a role. Unbalanced, irregular, superficial, and uncontrolled breathing adversely affects the body and can also promote acidification.

Psychological factors

Almost everyone knows that regular excitement, tension, worry cause heartburn. But general thinking and lifestyle can also tend to acidify. Those who don’t learn to relax and are constantly on the job, doing their jobs or doing other activities have a lot of acidity in their bodies.

But the overly fiery temperament when you get upset about the smallest detail, get angry, nervous, also lead to acidification. A lot of anger, accumulated psychic poison and suppressed emotions can contribute to acidification. Coincidentally, these people usually use acidic foods or stimulants to calm down.

Emotional causes of acidification

Usually, processing a situation that we reject continues to work in our subconscious, which is manifested in acidification at the organs level. Different events, difficulties, problems or even conflicts in life can lead to bitterness.

If you swallow your anger down, your anger turns into stomach acid. Since acidification affects blood, it also means the deeper experience of sorrow and distress because blood is the carrier of joy. If he does not manage to process these aggressions sensibly, then his aggression somatizes, his acidity manifests itself in stomach acid.

What can be caused by excessive acidification?

• various disorders of the gut flora

• external and internal fungal infections

• fermentation in the small intestine, putrefaction in the large intestine, flatulence

• excessive build-up of acid can cause some organs and glands to become corrosive, which can lead to malfunction

• digestive problems; Constipation, diarrhea

• the body removes minerals (e.g. from the bones) that can cause further problems

• hair loss, osteoporosis, premature aging

• many diseases that are easy to avoid with the acid-base balance

• sensitivity to cold, weak immune system, increase in colds

• weight change, fatigue after eating

• circulatory disorders, slower wound healing

• erythrocytes lose their elasticity and block the capillaries, which can lead to thrombosis and heart attack

• depression, irritability, tension, reduction of resilience

• reduced performance, early tiredness, poor sleep

• learning and memory disorders, loss of focus

What can you do against acidification?

Daily nutrition in the developed western world contains so much acid-forming food at the expense of alkalis that it is imperative to consciously decide what and how much to consume. Our body works well when it is slightly alkaline. Acidification is only restored with the help of nature and not with medication and is usually possible over a longer period of time, not from one day to the next.

Use sugar and salt in moderation and generally handle processed foods with care! It also doesn’t matter whether a food is acidic or acid-forming, alkaline or alkalizing. Many sour fruits and vegetables such as lemon, orange and cucumber have a good alkalizing effect.

Most dairy products can lead to acidification, especially those that contain lactose, which is broken down into lactic acid. This can lead to inflammation of the bones, muscles and joints.

Unfortunately, the eggs are not good either, especially those from chickens fed grain.

Foods that contain sugar and white flour – dough and also sweets – should be avoided. Other types of sugar such as brown sugar or honey can lead to acidification, but also sweeteners. For example, stevia is better than the latter.

Some fruits that are beneficial in other ways can be shifted towards acidity. For example, peanuts, dried or canned fruit or apple juice. But also acidify mushrooms, just like corn. Buckwheat, cumin and sesame are good, but most breads and baked goods made from cereals are acid-forming.

Animal fats and hardened vegetable oils should be avoided. Consuming too much protein contributes to acidification of the body. It is also a practical observation that sedentary lifestyle and work are a good source of acidification, while many movements do the opposite. This is also because the body’s abundant oxygen supply stimulates deacidification.

• Avoid acidic foods or take them in moderation!

• Leave products that are not essential, but have a strong acidity!

• Take medication only if it is inevitable!

• Don’t push yourself, make your schedule, don’t hurry!

• Chew the food in peace, eat slowly!

• Avoid stressful situations, do not worry unnecessarily!

• Do not make yourself mad unnecessarily, pay attention to what is good for you!

How can we restore our acid-base balance?

It is important not to start the day with something acidic in the morning. For example, coffee, smoking a cigarette or even reading the news or listening to it is an assassination attempt against ourselves. Instead, exercise, breathing exercises, relaxation, fruit, clean fluids and the “ingestion” of positive mental content is recommended.

It is important to maintain the health of the gut flora, which is also important for well-being. Definitely chew slowly and thoroughly and don’t eat so much at once that you get full. Do not consume animal protein and starchy food at the same time!

• Eat a lot of alkaline food!

• Avoid processed, artificial foods and eat lots of fruits and vegetables instead!

• Avoid carbonated drinks, alcohols, instead drink green tea, spring water, still mineral water!

• Drink alkaline water regularly!

• Learn to relax, relax regularly!

• Exercise a lot, go for a walk in nature!

• Breathe balanced, even and calm!

• Always eat under calm circumstances!

• Learn to deal with your negative emotions and translate them into creative activities.

Fruits and vegetables that strengthen the base the most: 

Broccoli, parsley, fresh white beans, lime, savoy cabbage, papaya, sea salt (e.g. Himalayan salt), spinach, grapefruit, pumpkin, beetroot, radish, garlic, onion, bell pepper, tomato.

According to certain sources, stored potatoes can also acidify. Of course, there are differences in the types and how they are prepared. The new potatoes are better in this regard and if they are prepared in a “natural” way. Salted fries, for example, are problematic. Sweet potatoes as a substitute for potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes are also good.

Germinated seeds and food also contribute to alkalization. Typically, green vegetables are the most preferred in this regard and also have higher levels of chlorophyll and minerals, which is also beneficial. Olive oil, linseed oil and avocado oil are also positive. Phytonutrients help remove acidic waste, so some vegetables and the multivitamin Xtend are useful.

Tap water is not very healthy due to chlorine. Regular consumption of alkaline water is one of the best ways to restore the acidified body, but also to prevent acidification. However, it is also worth paying attention to the amount of sodium, as some alkaline waters contain too much sodium.

Interestingly, alkalization also contributes to healthy weight loss. Sodium bicarbonate is one of the best known antacids, but calcium and magnesium also have this effect. With an acidic organism, care must also be taken to ensure that sufficient mineral intake is maintained.

On the emotional level, positive acceptance, solving problematic situations and finding more joy work effectively. The presence of male energies must be accepted, and if it is properly manifested, the acidification will cease. Find harmony between will and self-control, experience and let go of feelings between male and female characteristics.

Solving the life tasks, experiencing the feeling of freedom and achieving spiritual harmony put the overacidified body in order. It is worth to find the problem or the emotional situation that is responsible for the situation because if we resolve these inner dissatisfactions, we are on the way to a healthy acid-base state.

What happens when the acid-base balance is restored? 

• Improved well-being, joie de vivre increases.

• The energy level rises.

• The body weight is restored.

• The body is more resistant to diseases and pathogens cannot colonize.

• The acidified body builds up fat reserves to neutralize them. It is released through the alkalizing diet and lifestyle.

• Calmer, deep sleep.

• The craving for acidic stimulants is reduced

. • Digestion problems and related psychological effects can be reduced and eliminated. • Heartburn, reflux is stopped, the gastric mucosa is repaired.

• Enough minerals get into the body to strengthen bones and joints.

• The skin becomes more beautiful, smoother and cleaner.

• Aging processes slow down.

• Stress and tension are gradually reduced.

• A calmer, more balanced state of mind.

• The brain becomes livelier, fresher and the ability to concentrate improves.

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